Astone Ap 110d V2 Firmware

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Astone Ap 110d V2 Firmware

Astone AP-360TFeedback:This e-mail address is being protected from spambots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it.19 November 2009Tookdelivery of an:suppliedby.Theunit came with an 808 gigabyte hard disk installed.Theare impressive. Unfortunately, they don't tell the whole story.The first issue I noticed is the feeble tuner. Of nine I'veused,this is the least sensitive.Next come problems with theinstalledhard disk. The disk itself seems to be fine, but the unit doesn'treliably recognise it. Sometimes it works and sometimes I get amessage that no hard disk is detected or an icon similar to what theuser manual calls the “Ban sign”:butwith a line drawing of a hard drive in place of the hand.Scheduled recordings rarely work. The unit turns on, butdoesn'trecord. While monitoring the output, I've noticed the “Bansign” flash up before recording fails.

Manual recording alsorarely works. For example, I started it recording then repeatedlypressed the record button until the on-screen message showed twohours. The recording light stayed on for that length of time, but itrecorded less than 12 minutes.Networking is poor. The hard drive installed in the AP-360T isnotvisible to other nodes on my wired home network. Attempting to copyfrom that hard drive to a share on the network via the Astone'sinterface throws up a “Read only” message. The folders inquestion are read/write accessible to other nodes, including aBeyonwiz PVR. There's no way to set the workgroup name, which mightbe part of the problem (for Windows systems, at least).On the plus side, the Astone can read files from some networkshares and plays some that are beyond the Beyonwiz.25November 2009 12:20pm.Requested support via,referring to this page.26November 2009 9:26 am.Textof email from Lendy Gunawan at try toupdate the firmware to 1.74With Regards,Lendy GunawanAchieva Technology AustraliaUnit 7, 5 DunlopStreetStrathfield SouthNSW 2136I downloaded the update that afternoon.

It's beta software. Ihopethey know what they're doing.27November 2009 midday.Followingdirections from, I began the update. For several minutes thescreenshowed a progress bar and a message not to turn off the power. Atsome point, the screen went blank. An hour later, it was still blank.Switching to composite video at least got me a display to work with.Switching from HDMI Auto to 720p@50Hz got HDMI working. On all1080 settings, HDMI worked only sporadically.

Other equipment in mysetup exhibits no such issues.After a brief recording, which seemed satisfactory, Ischeduledone of just under three hours duration for later tonight.28November 2009.Lastnight's scheduled recording captured less than twenty minutes.Networking now seems to work as expected. The AP-360T can seeallnodes on my home network and its hard drive is visible from othernodes. I successfully copied files between the AP-360T's hard driveand another node, via both the Astone's interface and WindowsExplorer.HDMI has stopped working altogether. By swapping cablesaround, Ieliminated all but the Astone as the problem. Composite video givesme a display, but that's of little use for HD video.For comparison purposes, I set up both the AP-360T and myBeyonwizDP-P1 to record the same program.

Astone Ap 110d V2 Firmware

To determine signal quality, Iwatched that same program live.Signal quality proved good. The Beyonwiz had no difficultyrecording.

The Astone failed. Attempting to check for a recordingfile brought up a message: “ No HDD detected”.29November 2009.Returnrequest lodged viafailed.HDD interface failing.For details,see the form offers only Exchange or StoreCreditas options, I requested a refund and gave my bank account details.My first attempt, using Firefox, didn't seem to work.

What's new in Astone AP-110D V2? HD Graphic User Interface New looking HD interface was designed and applied on new AP-110D V2 for easy navigation, new interface will also let you to easy to navigate and use player features. IMS (Internet Media Service). New Astone AP-110D V2 featured internet channels such as Yahoo Channels, RSS, Youtube and much more, you can now access some basic internet channels without your PC.

Web Based Remote Control via Wi-Fi. Mew Astone AP-110D V2 supports web interface for remote control. AP-110D V2 can be controlled from iPhone or any other web browser.

Simply type the local IP address of your AP-110D V2 and enable the full control of the device.IMS function may need frequent update of firmware, check for more details.Wired or Wireless connection required for Wi-Fi remote control feature Astone Media Gear AP-110D V2 is a powerful USB and network HD media player which truly decodes, playback and outputs High Definition 1080p videos through HDMI interface. AP-110D V2 is able to play the HD MPEG2, HD VC-1, HD AVC/H.264 movies from external USB devices to HDTV screen. The advanced Network function allows you to browse the video file from your PC or NAS in your study room and play it on TV in the living room. The player also support NAS function with build in Samba Server, which is able to share the whole USB storage device to the network, so you can easily access you media files via your computer. Astone Media Gear AP-110D V2 is compatible with Astone AW-N290 USB 802.11n wireless Dongle. Just plug this dougle into USB port of AP-110D V2 to enable the wireless function, so you can easily enjoy playback your movie from your computer or NAS server wirelessly.

Astone Ap 110d V2 Firmware Price

Weblink: Price for reference onlyTracking your orderYou can track your order status in the Mwave 'My Account' page.Once your order has been dispatched & picked up by the courier you will receive an email with your tracking number.