Microsoft Outlook The Property Does Not Exist

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  1. Outlook Does Not Recognize Name
  2. Microsoft Outlook The Property Does Not Exist Change
  3. Microsoft Outlook The Property Does Not Exist

Problem: Users who have recurring appointments or meetings in their calendar cannot modify that meeting or event. When they attempt to open the event, they receive an error: 'The attachment size exceeds the allowable limit'.


They may not see attachments on the event.The recurring meeting item can grow in size when occurrences are edited, new recipients added, or attachments are added to occurrences. This creates a large number of exceptions to the meeting and in the case of attachments, they are hidden from view unless you open the specific occurrence that has an attachment. 'The Property does not exist. The field you want to modify is not valid for this type of item' Use VBA to delete attachments from a recurring meetingUse this code to remove all attachments from all instance of a recurring meeting.Click in the textbox area, press Ctrl+A to select all then Ctrl+C to copy. Paste in the Outlook's VBA editor.

Outlook Does Not Recognize Name


Select the affected attachment then run the macro.For more detailed instructions on using VBA, seeSub DeleteAllAttachmentsFromAppointmentOn Error Resume NextSelect Case TypeName(Application.ActiveWindow)Case 'Explorer'If TypeName(ActiveExplorer.Selection.Item(1)) = 'AppointmentItem' ThenSet GetApptItem = ActiveExplorer.Selection.Item(1)ElseMsgBox 'Error an appointment is not selected.' Exit SubEnd IfCase 'Inspector'If TypeName(ActiveInspector.CurrentItem) = 'AppointmentItem' ThenSet GetApptItem = ActiveInspector.CurrentItemElseMsgBox 'Error an appointment is not selected.' Exit SubEnd IfEnd SelectIf GetApptItem.Attachments.Count = 0 ThenMsgBox 'This appointment has no attachments.' Exit SubEnd IfintResponse = MsgBox('Subject: ' & GetApptItem.Subject & vbCr & 'Attachments: ' & GetApptItem.Attachments.Count & vbCr & 'Total Size: ' & GetApptItem.Size & ' bytes' & vbCr & vbCr & 'This will remove all attachments from this appointment, do you want to continue?' , vbYesNo, 'Are you sure?' . If you want to save all attachments or if you want to delete all attachments, Right-click on the meeting, and choose Attachments then Save attachments or Delete attachments.

Microsoft Outlook The Property Does Not Exist Change


Microsoft Outlook The Property Does Not Exist

To review the attachments on the item, Right-click on the meeting, and choose Attachments then Display Attachments Table and verify what attachments are on the meeting and if you want to keep any. If you want to keep some attachments, right click on each attachment you want to delete and choose Delete Attachment. Don't delete any attachments you need to keep on the meeting. If you need to delete multiple attachments, you can select then while pressing Ctrl or Shift then delete the group.