Commercial Drivers License Requirements Oklahoma

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Commercial Drivers License Requirements Oklahoma

Section 1: Rules And Regulations 1.1Commercial Motor Vehicle Safety Act - Nationwide CDL ProgramThe Commercial Motor Vehicle Safety Act of 1986 (CMVSA) was passed by Congress to address the problems caused by irresponsible and unqualified bus and truck drivers who are damaging the image of a safety-conscious profession. Unqualified drivers, often licensed following inadequate testing in many other states, have been found to be the cause of tragic accidents and other threats to highway safety. Many times, these drivers sought to escape responsibility for their actions by carrying driver始s licenses issued by many states and spreading their traffic convictions among these licenses - thus avoiding suspensions or revocations.The CMVSA was designed to stop these abuses by prohibiting drivers from holding more than one license. A nationwide information system prevents the issuance of multiple licenses, allows states to exchange information on traffic violations and makes it easier to remove problem drivers from the road.

Commercial Drivers License Requirements Oklahoma

Commercial Driver's License Requirements Oklahoma City

Those drivers who violate the law are subject to tougher penalties.In addition, the law requires states to adopt uniform testing standards for commercial drivers prior to licensing. These testing standards are similar to those in effect for years.Finally, sanctions for serious traffic violators will help ensure that commercial drivers remain accountable for their actions.

Oklahoma Commercial Drivers License Renewal

Farm Equipment Operators - This exemption covers legitimate farm-to-market operations by farmers, not commercial grain haulers. The following vehicle operators are not required to obtain a CDL:Farm Equipment Operators - This exemption covers legitimate farm-to-market operations by farmers, not commercial grain haulers. Farm Equipment Operators - This exemption covers legitimate farm-to-market operations by farmers, not commercial grain haulers.