Scrutinizer Serial Number
Got Questions? We’ve Got AnswersHere are the questions we are frequently asked. We hope the answers shed some more light on our mission and what we stand for.What is is a comprehensive and rich source of reliable, unbiased information on topics of health, fitness, disease and treatment, nutrition, sports medicine and supplements, and so forth. It is a unique and expansive resource of science-based information easily available and accessible to everyone globally.
The information is provided in simple easy to understand language. Our team follows the high moral and ethical standards of reporting the unbiased information by following, ‘Science Based Medicine’ and NOT ‘Evidence-Based Medicine.’Our mission is to alleviate the plethora of misinformation by educating the individuals and providing them with Critical Thinking Skills. This enables them to distinguish between the real and false facts and reports, thus significantly improving the quality of their life.What do you mean by ‘One Stop Information Portal’?It means that we have established a digital resource that has a vast collection of easy to read and understand information on various topics related to health, medicine and disease, treatments, nutrition, sports, and more. The goal is to help individuals get truthful information at one place/website so they don’t have to go to various other websites each providing either too much or too little information. Most of the times, the reports are even contradictory on the same topics that only leads to more confusion and worry. Therefore, we created the ‘One Stop Information Portal’ where complete information is provided in easy to understand language and a take-home message is also outlined. This simplifies the life of individuals immensely and furthermore empowers them to make informed decisions about their everyday life without any skepticism.In short, our One Stop Information Portal is a trusted scientific resource created solely to help the people, that takes worry out of the equation and provides them peace of mind.What is the difference between ‘Science-Based’ and ‘Evidence-Based’ Information/Medicine?A good research/clinical study or data comes after years and years of research leading to peer-reviewed publications in highly reputed Journals.
Until different researchers can reproduce the same results independently, those data are not credible to reach an inference. Sometimes, there would be contradictory results on the same study. To reach a conclusion, ALL the published results should be considered and subjected to a meta-analysis. The conclusions made from this kind of rigorous evaluation have no room for error. This is called Science-Based Information.Evidence-Based Information/Medicine, on the other hand, means considering ANY report, anecdote, blogs, even one or two publications in a scientific journal or magazine and reaching a conclusion. Most people think if there is an article out there, in ANY magazine or social media it must be authentic.
Nothing could be farther than the truth and this is what spreads misinformation and even puts the life of individuals in danger.Can we trust that random website or blog? What about peer-reviewed research journals? How do we know what’s most likely true?No and No. Any data can be ‘massaged’ either way and unfortunately, lately, we should be skeptic of the articles published in peer-reviewed journals also. In order to understand the information a report is providing, either the people themselves need to have scientific knowledge and be able to interpret the data, or at least have critical thinking skills. Everyone is not a scientist to be able to read scientific literature and translate it.
Even medical doctors lack the ability to correctly decipher the reported results and translate them into their everyday medical practice to treat patients. In addition, patients need to understand this information.Therefore, there is an urgent requirement of a trusted source where all the scientific interpretation is already done in easy to understand manner. ‘The Scrutinizer’ is that source available Globally.
Sending undocumented IR commands toyour equipment may damage or even destroy it. By using this program,you agree to take the responsibility for possible damages yourself, andnot to hold the author responsible. Revision history DateDescription2013-11-12Initial version.2013-12-01Next unfinished version.2014-01-22Version for release 1.0.0, still leaving much to be desired.2014-06-07Version for release 1.1.0, some fixes, much still to be done.2014-09-21Version for release 1.1.1, some more fixes and enhancements.2015-04-07Version for release 1.1.2, installation issued reworked. Minor improvements.2015-08-19Version for release 1.1.3. Minor improvements.2016-01-13Added description for user selectable character sets for import and export.2016-04-29Version for release 1.2. Minor improvements.2016-08-30Version for release 1.3. Minor improvements.2017-03-12Version for release 1.4.
Minor improvements.2019-08-09Version for release 2.0.0. Not complete.Introduction. Next a high-level view of the different use cases will be given. Analyze ('Scrutinize') individual IR Signal/Ir Sequence An or can be from connected hardware, orimported from files in different formats, the clipboard, or from Internetdatabases. The IrSequence can be broken into a, and, and, analyzed, and plotted. It canbe exported in differentformats, or sent to different transmitting hardware.
Analyze/edit/compose/export collections of IR signals (') A collection of commands can be assembled either from individual IRsignals (as above), captured several at a time, or imported from files indifferent formats, the clipboard, or from Internet databases. The collectionand the individual commands can be edited as in a spreadsheet. It can beexported in a number of different formats. Generate IR Signals from knownIR Signals can be generated from the Internet's largest protocol database, containing over 100 protocol. Necessary protocol parameter values are to beentered.
Thus generated signals can be analyzed as single signals, incorporatedinto remotes, or exported to files — also from e.g. Intervals ofparameters. For anyone familiar with the problem domain, thisprogram is believed to be intuitive and easy to use.
Almost all user interfaceelements have tool-help texts. Different panes have their own pop-up help.
In what follows, we will not attempt toexplain every detail of the user interface, but rather concentrate on theconcepts. Furthermore, it is possible that new elements and functionality hasbeen implemented since the documentation was written.This program does not disturb the user with a number ofannoying, often,pop ups, but directs errors, warnings, and status outputs to the console window,taking up the lower third of the main window. Thiswindow is re-sizeable. There is a context menu for theconsole, accessible by pressing the right mouse button in it.In the upper row, there are six pull-down menus, named File,Edit, Actions, Options, Tools, and Help. Their usage is believed to be mainlyself explanatory, with some the exceptions.Options to the program are in general found in the Options menu, or itssubordinate menus. Some parameters for particular export formats are found inthe sub-panes of the 'Export' pane. Allen bradley panelbuilder32.
Scrutinizer Serial Number Search
Also the hardware configuring panes containuser parameters.The main window is composed of seven sub panes denotedby 'Scrutinize signal' (for processing single signal), 'Scrutinize remote' (forcollecting several signals to one 'remote'), 'Generate' (generates IR signalfrom protocol name and parameters), 'Import', 'Export','Sending Hardware', and 'Capturing Hardware'respectively. These panels will be discussed in SectionAnalyzing a single IR Sequence or IR Signal. Only a few of the many export formats are defined in the main Java code,the rest are defined in files in the directory exportformats.d,located in the root of the install directory.
![Scrutinizer serial number generator Scrutinizer serial number generator](
By adding a file here,the user can simply add his/her own export formats according to ownneeds. An export format consists of a number of properties, togetherwith a small 'program' written in the transformation language XSLT,for transforming a Girr-XML-tree to the desired text format.The rest of this section documents the format of these files, and issupposed to be read only when needed. Fundamental knowledge of XML andare assumed. Format of the files in exportformats.dThe file is an XML file read without validation. The syntax and semanticsare believed to be essentially self explaining, or clear from theexamples already in there. An export format ispacked in an element of type exportformat.
It containsthe following attributes: name Text string used for identifying the format. Extension Text string denoting preferred file extension (not including period)of generated files. MultiSignal Boolean (value: true and false). Denotes ifseveral signals can be represented in one export, or only one. SimpleSequence Boolean, (values true offalse). If true, the export really describes an rather than am (with intro-, repeat-, andending-sequences), therefore the user must explictly state a particular numberof repetitions for an export.The element contains a single child element, namely the XSLTtransformation, which is an element of typexsl:stylesheet, with attributes as in the examples.The task of the transformaton is to transform a Girr XML DOM tree in the, withremotes asroot element, into the desired text format. It may be advisable to usethe already present formats as guide.For testing and developing new export formats in this for, the main routine ofthe class org.harctoolbox.irscrutinizer.exporter.DynamicRemoteSetExportFormatmay be used.
It can be used to transform a Girr file(s) from the command line.After editing or adding export format files, they can be reloaded either by re-starting theprogram, or by selecting Options - Export formats database - Reload. Under Windows, the properties are stored using WindowsVista and later (, otherwise Using other operatingsystems, it is stored according to the.Per default, this is $HOME/.config/IrScrutinizer/properties.xml. It isnot deleted by un-install. (If weird problems appear, for example after an update, trydeleting this file.
For this, there is a command line option -nuke-properties that can be used toconveniently delete the present property file, without remembering its exact name.)GUI Elements walk through. Normal usage is just to double click on the jar-file, or possibly onsome wrapper invoking that jar file. However, there are some commandline arguments that can be useful either if invoking from the commandline, or in writing wrappers, or when configuring custom commands inWindows.Girr files given as command line argument will be imported to the 'parametric remote' table.Accordingly, if the system is configured to associate.girr with IrScrutinizer,these files can be opened by double clicking them.The options -version and -help work as they areexpected to work in the. Usethe -help-command to see the complete list of command line parameters.
Can I run more than one instance simultaneously?Yes, you can fire up several instances, for example, one for sendingand another for receiving the sent signals.The only problem is that the properties is the same, so the instancethat ends last will overwrite the properties of the first one.This does not have to be a problem, however,if this is an issue, you can start the program with the -properties filename, pointing to an alternative properties file. For example,with Windows, you can duplicate the icon, and edit the command line on one of those.Does IrScrutinizer completely replaces IrMaster?Almost. Using (or more correctly, its Java version) is notimplemented. (The practical usage of this feature is probably verylimited, and IrMaster is still available, should it ever be needed.) Theis also notimplemented, but see next question.
For the wave export, some rarely usedoptions (the possibility toselect big-endian format (for 16-bit samples), the possibility not tohalf the carrier frequency, and the possibility to select sine (instead ofsquare) for modulation) have been removed. Finally, there is somestuff that simply works differently, like the export function. How do I emulate the war dialer of IrMaster?Use 'Scrutinize remote' - Parametric Remote. Fill in the table with signals tobe tested, either using the pop-up button (right mouse in the table) Advanced -Add missing F's, or from the Generate pane, using suitable parameterintervals (see ), and transfer them using the 'To parametric remote' button. Thentest the candidate signals one at a time by transmit-ting them, using suitablesending hardware.The comment field, or the 'verified' check-box, can be used for note taking.A 'war dialer' like in IrMaster may be implemented in a later version.Can I use this program forconveniently controlling my favorite IR controlled device from the sofa?No, the program is not meant for that.
While you definitely can assemble a'remote' on the 'scrutinize remote' panel, and transmit the different commandswith mouse commands (appropriate hardware assumed), the program is intended fordeveloping codes for other deployment solutions.Check out,which is an IR server implementing the specification.It can be considered as 'IrScrutinizer as a server'.The pane interface sucks.Yes. There are several use cases when theuser would like to see several 'panes' simultaneously. Also, it should bepossible to have several windows of the same sort (like the 'scrutinizesignal') simultaneously. Replacing the top level panes with something'Eclipse-like'(sub-windows that can be rearranged, resized, moved, iconized) is on mywish list.What about the 'fishy' icon?It is a,as found in,having the property, that'.
If you stick one in your ear, you can instantly understand anything said to you in any form of language'.This symbolizes the program's ability to 'understand' a large number of different IR formats.I did something funny, and now the program does not startup, with novisible error messages.Try deleting the.(Note the command line option -nuke-properties which will do exactly that,without having to manually find the file or its name.) If that does not help, trystarting the program from the command line, which may leave hopefullyunderstandable error message on the console. (Windows) When I double click on the IrScrutinizer symbol,instead of the program starting, WinRar (or some other program) comesup.The program that comes up has 'stolen' the file association offiles with the extension.jar. (Allegedly, WinRar cangracefully 'unsteal' file associations.) (Windows) Why is the program so slow at start-up?Normal start up time is a few seconds, about the same time as ittakes for (e.g.) a web browser to start. If it takes considerablylonger than that, the problem is almost surely hardware related, i.e., theprogram looks for possibly non-existent hardware. To fix this, makesure that the selected capture- and sending devices (these are savebetween sessions!) do not correspond to something non-existent.
Themost 'innocent' settings are: capture: Lirc mode 2, and sending:Audio port. These are also the defaults when the program starts up forthe first time.
Also, consider deleting possible'junk devices' in the Windows device manager under COM & LPT(unused Bluetooth-to-serial ports etc.). (Linux) I get error messages that lock files cannot becreated, and then the Arduino and IrToy hardware do notwork.When starting IrScrutinizer, or by pressing the 'Refresh' button,error messages occur likecheckgroupuucp: error testing lock file creation Errordetails:Permission deniedchecklockstatus: No permission to createlock file.(and a number of them.)The problem is that the library rxtx (like some other programaccessing a serial interface) wants to create a lock file in aparticular directory. This is/was traditionally/var/lock, which is often a symbolic link to/var/run/lock. This directory is normally writable bymembers of the group lock. So your user-account should probablybe a member of that group.
(How to perform this is different indifferent Linux distributions.) The rxtx library delivered withIrScrutinizer expects the lock directory to be/var/lock. However, recently some Linux-distributions(e.g. Fedora 20), instead are using /var/lock/lockdev asits lock directory (while /var/lock still is a link to/var/run/lock.
To solve this, I recommend, if possible,installing rxtx provided by the Linux distribution used, i.e. Notusing the one with IrScrutinizer.
For example, on Fedora, the commandissudo dnf install rxtxwhich installs the library in /usr/lib/rxtx or/usr/lib64/rxtx, depending on the operating system. (Other distributions uses othercommands, for example apt-get on Debian-like systems.)Finally, the correct installation directory of the library( has to be given to the JVMrunning IrScrutinizer. For this, see the and the comments therein, and make thenecessary adaptations.What is on the splash screen?From left to right, a,an,and a low-cost clone of an,the latter equipped with a non-demodulating IR detector (TSMP4138) for capturing and an IR diode (SFH415) for sending.These are all hardware which work well with IrScrutinizer, both for sending and capturing. Do you solicit or accept donations?No. Building from sources.
'IrScrutinizer' is one subproject (corresponding to a Java package) within.It depends on several other subprojects within harctoolbox. The project harctoolboxbundle consistsof this subproject.The released versions are found on the.The development sources are maintained on.Forking and pull requests are welcome!I go to great lengths ensuring that the program runs equally well on all supported platforms.I do not care too much that all aspects of the build runs equally well on all platforms.I build with Linux (Fedora), the continuous integration build runs on Travis (Ubunto).Other platforms are treated stepmotherly. DependenciesAs any program of substantial size, IrScrutinizer uses a number of third-party components.All of these are also free software, carrying compatible licenses.The dependent packages need to be installed also inmaven in order for the build to work. With the dependencies available, the script tools/install-deps.shcan be used to install them in the local maven repository before building. DevSlashLircThis library is used to access /dev/lirc-hardware.
It is used by the Linux version only.It is a Java JNI library, written in Java and C. It is written by myself,and available.The subdirectories native/Linux-amd64,native/Linux-i386, andnative/Linux-arm contain compiled versions for the x8664, x8632, and ARM processors respectively.The package can be downloaded, and the Java part built, by the script tools/
IrpTransmogrifier, Girr, HarcHardwareBundle, JircThese are all pure Java packages that are required to build IrScrutinizer.They can be downloaded and built by the scriptstools/,tools/,tools/, andtools/ serial communication packate RXTX is also included in the source package. This builds a shared library and a jar file.On Linux, if there is a system supported RXTX ( librxtxSerial really), it should be preferred,in particular since it knows the preferred lock direcory for the present operating system.The distribution contains pre-compiled binaries for Linux, Windows, and Mac OS X, both in 32- and 64-bit versions.To compile the C sources, see the sub-directory rxtx-pre2h and the instructions therein.Note that the system supplied RXTX jar on many system (e.g. Fedora 21) has some issues(version number incompatible with the shared library, does not recognizethe /dev/ttyACM.-ports required by IrToy and many Arduinos, unflexible library loading),so using our RXTX jar together with the system supplied shared library can be sensible.
JCommander, minimal-jsonNormally, these components are downloaded and installed automatically by maven. TontoIf the system supports Tonto, use the system version. (On recent Fedora, use sudo dnf install tonto.)Otherwise, it can be downloaded and installed by the script tools/ that the shared library libjnijcomm,which is required by the program Tonto for communicating with a Pronto remote through a serial interface,is not required for use with IrScrutinizer, and can therefore be left out. BuildingAs of version 1.1.2, the 'softwareproject management and comprehension tool' is used as building system.Modern IDEs like Netbeans and Eclips integrate Maven, so build etc can be initiated from the IDE.Of course, the shell command mvn install can also be used. It creates some artifacts which canbe used to run IrScrutinizer in the IrScrutinizer/target directory.To prepare the Windows version, some shell tools are needed. These are:. The unix2dos and dos2unix utilities, typically in the dos2unix package.
![Scrutinizer Scrutinizer](
The icotool utility, typically in the icoutils packageWindows setup.exe creationFor building the Windows setup.exe, theis needed. To build the Windows setup.exe file, preferably the work area shouldbe mounted on a Windows computer.
Then, on the Windows computer, openthe generated file IrScrutinizer/target/IrScrutinizerinno.iss withthe Inno installer, and start the compile. This will generate the desired fileIrScutinizer- version.exe.Alternatively, the 'compatibility layer capable of runningWindows applications' software application (included in most Linuxdistributions) can run the ISCC compiler of Inno. The Maven fileIrScrutinizer/pom.xml contains aninvocation along these lines, conditional upon the existence of the file./Inno Setup 6/ISCC.exe.